I’m a Semi-Homemade Food Storage Queen

I’ve tried at least 6 different homemade wheat bread recipes, and it’s still not as good as someone else’s. Funny thing is that as long as it’s moist, my family will eat it. They don’t care if it didn’t rise like I thought it should. I’m not sure I will ever master baking the perfect loaf of bread. However, we won’t starve. I have found that keeping items in my 3-month food storage supply that I can use to make semi-homemade meals (remember Sandra Lee on Semi-Homemade Cooking) is really okay. Sometimes I’m in a hurry. Making chili with canned meat and canned beans is just as good as making chili from scratch. Opening a can of Spaghettios is as good as homemade spaghetti for my toddler. It may not be the most inexpensive way to cook. But semi-homemade food storage recipes can be quite good. Some of you might feel that if all of your recipes aren’t from scratch, that it’s not good enough. Or you’er not good enough. Well enough is enough. I have to tell you that some people are born with the talent to cook everything from scratch, and then there are the rest of us who just get by. We have other talents, some of which are not so yummy. So I want those of you that feel like you don’t measure up to the food storage baking queens to know that you are okay. They have their wonderful talents, and you have yours. In fact, you’re fantastic! Like me, you may be a different kind of queen. Now I’m off to make our semi-homemade dinner. Macaroni & cheese!

Look what Sandra Lee does with macaroni & cheese.

4 thoughts

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for reinforcing to me that it’s okay that I’m not the best cook, and I really don’t like to cook! I have always felt guilty when what I make isn’t from scratch. But, so what? As long as it’s nutritious and my family likes it, what does it matter? Thanks for reminding us that food storage is about having food – and there are many different forms!

  2. Finally, I think, found the secret to really good, moist, well-risen whole wheat bread.To every 3 cups whole wheat flour add 1/4 cup vital wheat gluten and 1 teaspoon baking powder. Add with dry ingredients.Hope this helps. Kate1946

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