Learn How to Fix a Broken Window • October Prep Challenge #4

The last preparedness challenge of October is to learn how to fix a broken window and buy a portable space heater. As temperatures become colder across the United States, the need for warmth inside increases.

A broken window after a disaster will let cold air in. Local repair people will be too busy to help you. Be prepared with supplies to cover your windows by yourself, or ask a friend for help. However, never try to reach a window you cannot access safely.

Learn How to Fix a Broken Window

Buy a Portable Space Heater

  • Find a portable space heater to keep you warm.
  • Look at reviews for a heater that will work in most bedrooms in your home.
  • Do you want a propane heater or an electric heater? Follow all safety instructions.
  • If the number of broken windows is excessive, you may need to isolate to one room. Close the doors for added warmth.
  • If you need to evacuate to another house in your neighborhood, take your heater with you.

Once you know how to fix a broken window and find the right space heater, you will have confidence you can care for yourself when needed.

Best wishes and stay warm and cozy,

Valerie Albrechtsen
The Food Storage Organizer

Purchase my food storage and emergency preparedness items in my Etsy shop.

One thought

  1. I keep $1.00 shower curtain liners in stock from the dollar store for this very reason. They are clear and can keep the weather out from a broken or drafty window.

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