Gather Emergency Shelter Activities • August Prep Challenge #4

Waiting long hours in an emergency shelter can be boring, so gather emergency shelter activities for our fourth August prep challenge. Most of us think we’ll never end up in an emergency shelter, but more people have experienced this than we realize. Be prepared and add some of the following shelter activities to your 72-hour kit.

Gather Emergency Shelter Activities • August Prep Challenge #4

Gather Emergency Shelter Activities

Some of these items are already around your home. Add them to your 72-hour kit.

  • Notepad and Pen – small notepad and pen is my top choice because you can write down your feelings, doodle, or play games with your kids.
  • Word Games – Crossword puzzles, word search activities, or Sudoku. Or print your own games online.
  • Coloring BookMarkers If you like to color, get one of these to pass the time.
  • Paperback book – Readers will want something to read.
  • Motivational Talk – Copy one of your favorite motivational talks from a church magazine.
  • Playing Cards  Find an inexpensive deck of cards or Uno.
  • Small Toys – Choose a few small lightweight toys to entertain your child such as a Rubik’s cube, a mini stuffed animal, a small doll, or a few Matchbox cars.

I encourage you to take on this challenge and gather emergency shelter activities for your family.

Best wishes and stay focused,

Valerie Albrechtsen
The Food Storage Organizer

Purchase my food storage and emergency preparedness items in my Etsy shop.

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