Smith’s Case Lot Sale Price List Fall 2021

If you are gathering food storage throughout the year, one way to save money is to watch for the Utah case lot sales so you can buy canned and packaged foods for your short-term food storage supply.

I always like to compare prices to Walmart. This year, Smith’s has some great deals. Check out the prices below.

Smith's Case Lot Sale Price List Fall 2021

Sorry if I made any errors. I hope this list helps you buy what you need for your family from Smith’s in Utah.


The Food Storage Organizer

3 thoughts

  1. Vernal. I didn’t go in and ask. I thought I would just check back. And our other grocery store’s case lot sale starts next week. Hoping for better luck there. Thanks.

  2. This week I went to the Smith’s Case Lot sale here in NE Utah. I went the 2nd day, but the big tent with all the cases was nearly empty. I’m wondering it it was just our store, if it’s everywhere.
    Thanks for all your great posts and helpful articles.

    1. So sorry. Where was that? Did you go inside and ask if there was more? Some stores are reordering.

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