Most Popular Posts at Prepared LDS Family in 2013

It’s always interesting to look back at the posts I’ve written at Prepared LDS Family and see what others have read. I thought I would share some of your favorites and my thoughts about them.

Most Popular Posts in 2013
Make a 72-Hour Kit in 12 Steps: Step 6 – Food
This post was part of a 12-part series I wrote about items to put in your 72-hour kit. It took longer than I wished to finish the steps, but I finally completed all 12 of them.

General Conference Activity Notebook for Primary Kids
I’ve written several posts about activity notebooks for children to use as they watch the LDS General Conference. It’s hard for them to sit still. I like to have something for my youngest to do to help her participate in the experience. She remembers the stories the speakers share almost better than her parents.

Use a 52-Week Inventory Schedule to Count Food Storage Weekly
This idea was meant to make counting my food storage easier. I categorize my food storage and only count a small portion of it weekly. Well, that was the plan. I do get behind. I never like to count ALL of our food storage because it takes hours, so counting a small portion is quicker and doable for me.

February Food Storage Goals – Breakfast Foods
Each month of this year I wrote a post about items to gather for my food storage. I can only guess this post was popular because my readers either like breakfast foods or were still motivated to gather their food storage at the beginning of the year. Let’s hope that the new year will bring new resolutions to get things moving with emergency preparedness.

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